Honey benefits have been widely known. In fact, in the Quran, the benefits of the liquid that the bees produce are discussed specifically. To facilitate the community to do
treatment with this bee therapy, Hasanuddin University Education Hospital opened the Research Centre Medicinal Bee Practice.
In the room, patients with various disease complaints can try alternative treatment with bee produced products, while also undergoing medical treatment.
"Most patients who come because of already saturated medical treatment," said Hamka, a room assistant at the Research Centre Medicinal Bee Practice. In a day, patients who came to the site reached 10 people.
The founder of this program is Professor Dr Mappatoba Sila, a lecturer at the forestry Faculty of Hasanuddin University, also known as
a beekeeper. Various research results have proven bee benefits in treating all kinds of diseases. "Research has proved that the benefits of honey very much, can produce 8,164 formulas for the drug," he said.
The latest research that experts have done today is
the benefits of honey to treat liver disease. In the study, two mice were used as samples. The rats given the liver honey remained in comparison with the other mice. "This also applies to humans," says Mappatoba. Because in honey contained glycogen compounds that are stored in the liver. The glycogen serves to produce energy for the liver.
Other diseases such as
heart diseases can be treated with honey products. Mappatoba explains, in honey is also contained astrofoline compounds that function to help the heart in absorbing air. For heart function disorders, drink honey regularly, he said, can help healing.
In the Research Centre Medicinal Bee Practice, bee products can be obtained not only in the form of honey. Mappatoba extracts pure honey into a medication in the form of tablets or pills. It is intended to facilitate the consumption and maximize the benefits gained from the honey.
According to Mappatoba, there are many benefits that can be given from these honey pills. He also prepares
honey pills for women who want to smoothen the skin and eliminate acne on the face.
Only, Mappatoba reminds, honey that can give many of these benefits is only pure honey or genuine. "If the honey is not genuine or has got a mixture, it will be a source of disease," he said.
There are three types of honey-producing bees, namely
Apistropsata, a Serrana, and
Trigona. Apistropsata is an endemic bee that cannot be found in other regions. Each hive can produce 20-40 kilograms of honey. Bees a serrana are found in many rural gardens. Production is much less, about 2-4 kilograms per harvest. While Trigona bees are widely cultivated in North Palopo with honey production as much as 1.5 liters per colony.
Each type of bee, according to Mappatoba, produces honey of the same quality. The difference is the content of glucose and fluctosa contained therein.