Needle-Free Acupuncture Benefits Both Patients and Clinicians
Objective: This study examined whether a needle-free acupuncture can be an alternative to conventional needle injection acupuncture.
Methods: Patients (n=101) suffering myofascial shoulder pain were randomly assigned to either needle-free or conventional needle injection acupuncture group. Bee venom was administered into GB21 (Gyeonjeong) acupuncture point for both groups.
Results: Shoulder pain was significantly reduced by the treatment in both groups. Patients treated by needle-free acupuncture reported less anxiety, less discomfort and fewer adverse events. Clinicians reported that needle-free acupuncture was safe but not convenient due to the complexity of the device.
Discussion: With appropriate adjustments of the current device, needle-free acupuncture can become an alternative to the conventional needle injection method.