Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a medical condition that can be caused by a number of mental, physical, and environmental factors. It is important to try to fix the condition first by discovering the cause and curing it and then to treat the symptoms - impotence.
Curing ED isn't all about pleasure. Sex is a crucial and natural part of human health - mental and physical - and is also important for maintaining relationships.
The Underlying Condition The most common causes are mental:
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Depression
- Fear
- Boredom or being uninterested in your partner
Physical causes are also extremely common and combine with the mental:
- Problems with blood pressure, caused by:
- Diet
- Lack of exercise
- Side effects of medication
- Injury
- Nerve Disorders
- Diabetes, liver, and kidney disease
- Alcohol use
- Urinary tract and prostate surgery
The best way to treat ED long-term and period is to fix the underlying problem. Cut cholesterol from your diet and gets lots of fiber by going vegetarian - vegetarians are said to have better stamina and sexual vigor - or get on a blood pressure medication. See a psychologist or therapist to overcome mental challenges to sex. Go on an antidepressant if you're depressed.
The interesting thing about some of these conditions is that they can start with the sexual problems. Depression, anxiety, fear of sex, and alcoholism can all come as a response to a lack of sexual activity. Let's find out why.
The Importance of Sex to the Brain
Sex generally effects the brain through various hormones and chemical releases. Some of these are essential to mental health and we can only get them through our sexuality. Others we get elsewhere, but a healthy sex life can ensure we get enough and stay healthy.
Sex not only prevents depression, but it also helps to relieve it and neutralize stress. Studies have gone in depth on the topic, even discovering that sex without condoms is more beneficial (as long as both parters are disease-free and using birth control or ready to conceive). A bit of semen isn't bad for the health - essential nutrients zinc, potassium, sugar, proteins, and calcium are all present.
Furthermore, the endorphins released from healthy sex actually relieve pain! Oxytocin, which comes right before you do, is especially helpful for this. It lasts longer than you do in bed as well, guaranteed.
Your blood pressure could do with some sex as well. Beyond just the exercise, sex lowers your blood pressure. Any kind of sex helps. Sex accelerates your heart activity and breathing, which you need.
Ejaculating for a man is essential to prevent prostate cancer. You don't have to have sex for this; you can masturbate.
Perhaps because of all these health benefits or perhaps for some inherent reason, people who have regular sex their whole lives live significantly longer.
Treating the Symptoms, Improve Health and Relationship
Keeping in mind that sex is also essential for bonding and healing in relationships, allow yourself to overcome ED and reap the benefits by getting help from
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