Honey is the one widely consumed delicious food product produced 100% by insects only. The fact is it is also a vital key element literally thousands and thousands of folk remedies, natural
health and beauty aids, in numerous recipes along with many other practical uses around the world.
This very thick, very sweet golden liquid is made by one of natures wonder creatures bees. Honey actually contains some of the insects' enzymes, as well as a number of sugars, water and even oil. The process of manufacture is a wonder too. Bees fly from flower to flower. Along the way the bee extract some of the nectar from each of the plants using their very long tongues.
The honey is then stored safely within the bees' bodies. After a bee has visited enough flowers to get its fill, the full bee then returns to it's home known as the hive and regurgitates some of the nectar, this nectar is then consumed by bees that are not involved in the collection process, this ensures that they get fed.
The enzymes within the bodies of these "house bees" evaporate much of the water in the nectar, creating honey. The finished liquid is stored in honeycomb cells within the hives and is used for nourishment by all the bees in the colony.
Fortunately, individual hives produce far more honey than is actually necessary for the colony's survival. The honey ripens within the honeycomb and eventually becomes a tasty and consumable product with a variety of exciting additional uses.